How to Celebrate your Original Wedding Date

So you chose your 2020 wedding date for a reason, its a great date, it has meaning for you, you’ve been counting down the days in excitement, and now Covid-119 has put a real damper on your wedding day.

If you still want to celebrate your love for each other on your original date - do it!

Have a home elopement ceremony in your garden (the weather is perfect for it!) Celebrate your love with an officiant and 2 witnesses, and when all this comes to pass, you can celebrate with friends and family in the big celebration you had anticipated.

Get dressed up in your wedding dress and suit and write out your own personal love notes which you can share on the day you intended. Ask your photographer / videographer to capture the event (with social distancing of course!)

We have filmed and photographed elopement ceremonies where we’ve multitasked as the photographers / videographers and witnesses, and whilst it’s not the big celebration you had planned, it’s a really intimate, love-filled, meaningful celebration of your love for one another!

You may not have control over the current situation, but you can always celebrate your wedding day now and look forward to a big party on a rescheduled date.


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